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Awareness Programs

Regularly distribute awareness content to your organisation - long

  • Episodes6
  • Duration9m 52s
  • LanguagesEN
Episode 5

Testing Awareness Program

How to demo your program before you put it in production


In this episode, we show you how to test your newly created Awareness Program to ensure it does and looks the way you want.

Demo Mode

While the program is "Paused" you can simulate the portal experience using the "Enable Demo Mode" function. 

Once active this functionality will enable a special URL (provided to you when the functionality is open) where you can simulate how the program looks (video, disclaimer, etc). Once you click on the demo mode a popup will show, enable the demo mode and use the link on the menu bar to access it.

As shown in the screenshot below, once active your awareness training will have a special status called "Demo Mode Active". Clicking on the portal url you will be able to simulate the training.