Account Reviews

Regularly pool user accounts from systems and review them in a portal - long

  • Episodes12
  • Duration24m 53s
  • LanguagesEN
Episode 11

Typical Dynamic Statuses: Account Reviews

Typical reports that will help you show in graphical methods data stored in the module


Dynamic statuses are a powerful functionality that allows you to apply labels based on your Account Review conditions. You will find this functionality on the menu bar under “Status,” grouped in two categories: System and User Defined.

Remember that statuses apply to all tabs (Pulls, Feedback, Findings, Etc). Please review the Status courses to understand in depth how this functionality works.

System and Custom Statuses

We provide here a list of the most common ones that ship with eramba and that you could create on your own:

Account Reviews:

  • Pending Review: the reviewer is missing to review of the last pull. This status will automatically disappear on the next pull (unless it is also not reviewed)


  • Failed Pull: this is an important status as you need to be aware when a pull could not be completed.
  • New Accounts/New Roles: when a new account/role is identified


  • Not Ok/I'm not sure: when a reviewer tags a feedback item as not ok or not sure

Trigger Notification with Statuses 

When a status condition matches or no longer matches, a notification can be sent. This is very useful, as statuses are typically used to trigger specific situations. To create a notification:

  1. Go to the tab where the filter that you want to send is saved.
  2. Click on Notifications, Warning, and then New.
  3. Select “Dynamic Status Change.”
  4. Write a name for this notification.
  5. Select the saved Dynamic Status that you want to send over email.
  6. Select when you want the email to trigger, when the Dynamic Status matches (On) or not (Off).
  7. On the Recipient tab, select under Users the recipients for this notification.
  8. Adjust your email body and subject.
  9. Save.