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Project Management

Manage proactive and reactive improvements to your GRC program - long

  • Episodes7
  • Duration17m 16s
  • LanguagesEN
Episode 5

Identifying Projects

The process we use to identify Projects


Projects are rarely used as a stand-alone module, meaning that the module is used without connection to other modules and use cases. For that reason, the identification process for a Project is tightly related to other modules and we recommend looking at those modules to understand more.

Risk Management

We recommend you look at the "Identifying Risk Solutions" episode in the Risk Management course to understand how Risk Exceptions are identified.

Compliance Management

We recommend you look at the "Identify Compliance Solutions" episode in the Compliance Management course to understand how Compliance Exceptions are identified.

Data Privacy

We recommend you look at the "Identify Data Flow Solutions" episode in the Data Privacy course to understand how Compliance Exceptions are identified.

Policy Management

When a Policy requires improvements simply create a Project and link it to that document.