eramba SaaS

We host eramba for you and take care of backups and updates

  • Episodes5
  • Duration13m 36s
  • LanguagesEN
Episode 4

Learn how to use eramba

Learn how to navigate the documentation efficiently


Our learning platform is the place where everyone learns how eramba works and how is implemented.

Learning how to use eramba can take 5-10 hours of reading and practice. You first need to understand the documentation and then practice in your eramba deployment.

Create a free account on our learning portal to track down your progress and optionally apply for certifications.

Our documentation is built based on use cases:

  • Compliance Management
  • Risk Management
  • Etc

The following chapters explain what training you must complete for each use case. 

Use Case: Compliance Management

The Compliance Management course is one of the longest courses because it requires understanding multiple modules. In total, you are looking at 3-4 hours of reading documentation or watching videos and another 3-4 hours of practising.

Go to the Compliance Management course and complete all episodes.

Use Case: Risk Management

The Risk Management course is one of the longest courses because it requires understanding multiple modules. In total, you are looking at 3-4 hours of reading documentation or watching videos and another 3-4 hours of practising.

Go to the Risk Management course and complete all episodes.

Use Case: Data Protection

The Data Protection course is one of the longest courses because it requires understanding multiple modules. In total, you are looking at 3-4 hours of reading documentation or watching videos and another 3-4 hours of practising.

Go to the Data Protection course and complete all episodes.

Use Case: Online Assessments

You will need to complete the following courses (in the order described here):


By now you should have a pretty good idea of how the modules work and how are implemented, you might want to re-enforce the following topics with this course:

If you have in mind doing integrations:

Use Case: Account Reviews

You will need to complete the following courses (in the order described here):


By now you should have a pretty good idea of how the modules work and how are implemented, you might want to re-enforce the following topics with this course:

If you have in mind doing integrations:

Use Case: Incident Management

You will need to complete the following courses (in the order described here):


By now you should have a pretty good idea of how the modules work and how are implemented, you might want to re-enforce the following topics with this course:

If you have in mind doing integrations:

Use Case: Exception Management

You will need to complete the following courses (in the order described here):


By now you should have a pretty good idea of how the modules work and how are implemented, you might want to re-enforce the following topics with this course:

If you have in mind doing integrations: