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Dynamic Status

Dynamically label items based on your rules and trigger automated notifications - long

  • Episodes4
  • Duration5m 41s
  • LanguagesEN
Episode 2

Status Strategy

We share ideas on how to strategize this feature


In this episode, we discuss what status you need to execute your desired strategy.

Use Cases

Statuses are used for four main objectives:

  • Inform users with a glance at a filter on what is ok and what is not, they will see the labels and their colours for this
  • Display data on filters based on your status
  • Trigger notifications when a status switches on or off. This can be emails or REST APIs for those of you with integration aspirations.
  • Display charts on reports that show items grouped by status

To make use of these strategies you need:

  • Create a status
  • Use the Filter, Report or Notification functionalities to leverage the status

For this reason, statuses are an advanced feature that typically plays a key role in eramba but only when your understanding of the tool is pretty elevated.