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Search data in literally million different ways - long

  • Episodes6
  • Duration16m 14s
  • LanguagesEN
Episode 6

Filter Suggestions

Filter suggestions for your eramba modules

The following table gives you some ideas on how filters can be used on most Eramba modules. Remember these are some ideas but there are endless ways how these fields can be used.



Settings / User Management

  • List of Enabled / Disabled Accounts
  • List of Blocked Accounts
  • List of API Accounts
  • List of Accounts Members of a given Group (Suppliers, etc)
  • List of Accounts updated in the last 24 Hours

Internal Controls

  • List of Controls with Expired Audits
  • List of Controls with Failed Audits
  • List of Controls without associated Problems

Internal Controls / Audits

  • List of Expired Audits
  • List of Audits with Deadlines in next week
  • List of Expensive Audits (Testing Duration)
  • List of Audits with missing Evidence


  • List of Policies with Expired Reviews
  • List of Policies without associated Problems

Policy Reviews

  • List of Expired Reviews
  • List of Reviews with Deadlines in next week
  • List of Expensive Reviews (Review Duration)
  • List of Reviews with missing Evidence

Risk (All Three)

  • List of Risk with Expired Reviews
  • List of Top ten Risks by Score
  • List of High Risks
  • List of Risks mitigating Control set as Failed / Expired / Issues
  • List of Risks mitigation Policy set as Expired
  • List of Risks mitigating Exception set as Expired
  • List of Risks mitigating Project set as Expired / Closed
  • List of Risks by Department

Risk Reviews (All Three)

  • List of Expired Reviews
  • List of Reviews with Deadlines in next week
  • List of Expensive Reviews (Review Duration)
  • List of Reviews with missing Evidence

Risk Exceptions

  • List of Expired Exceptions
  • List of Exceptions with Deadlines in next week
  • List of Open Exceptions
  • List of High Severity Exceptions
  • List of Exceptions by Approver

Policy Exceptions

  • List of Expired Exceptions
  • List of Exceptions with Deadlines in next week
  • List of Open Exceptions
  • List of High Severity Exceptions
  • List of Exceptions by Approver

Compliance Exceptions

  • List of Expired Exceptions
  • List of Exceptions with Deadlines in next week
  • List of Open Exceptions
  • List of High Severity Exceptions
  • List of Exceptions by Approver


  • List of Active Projects
  • List of Expired Projects
  • List of Projects Expiring Soon

Project Tasks

  • List of Expired Tasks
  • List of Tasks about to Expire
  • List of Task belongs to a Closed Project


  • List of New Incidents
  • List of Incidents with incomplete Stages
  • List of Incidents by Severity

Awareness Programs

  • List of Awareness Program and their compliance Rate

Online Assessments

  • List of Active OAs
  • List of Failed OAs
  • List of Pending OAs
  • List of Low Score OAs

Online Assessments / Findings

  • List of open findings
  • List of expired Findings
  • List of Findings by Severity

Compliance Analysis

  • Overall Compliance Report
  • Non-Compliant Items
  • Items about to be Non-Compliant

Organization /Third Parties

  • List of TP being Assessed with Online Assessments
  • List of TP with expired Findings
  • List of compliant TPs
  • List of TP with no Risks associated

Organization / Business Units

  • List of BUs with no Risks
  • List of BUs with High Risks