Account Reviews

Regularly pool user accounts from systems and review them in a portal - long

  • Episodes12
  • Duration24m 53s
  • LanguagesEN
Episode 6

Account Review Notifications

Email notifications you will need to configue


You will need to notify whoever is responsible for a review so that someone can log in to the portal and provide feedback. You will also need to setup different notifications that warn you when account reviews feedback includes answers that do not satisfy you. In this episode, we will describe how these notifications are created.

Pending Review

When an account review has pending reviews eramba can automatically notify whoever is responsible for that notification via email. To configure that email:

  1. Go to the "Pull" tab
  2. Select Notifications / Warning / Add
  3. Select the notification type Pending Account Review +1 Day (this will trigger one day after the Review status is switched ON)
  4. The Custom Role field must include "Reviewer" on the Recipient Tab. This is the person you defined on the account review to perform the Review. If the "GRC" team wants to be on CC you can also include the "Owner".
  5. Go to the Email Body and adjust the email body
  6. Save the notification

Negative Review Feedback

When the Reviewer vets accounts and roles as "Ok", "Not Ok" and "I"m not sure" the GRC roles want to get a notification that warns them that a review did not go well. To set up such notifications:

  1. On the Account Review Tab
  2. Click on Notifications / Warning / Add
  3. Select Dynamic Status Change type of notification
  4. Dynamic Status select "Not Ok"
  5. On the Recipient tab choose "Owner" under Custom Roles
  6. Adjust the email subject and body
  7. Save

Pull with Errors

Pulls will run automatically and read your feeds, if there is any problem (typically the CSV has the wrong format, the file is not there, etc) the pull will exit with an error. You want to be notified when that happens and for that, you need a notification:

  1. Go to the "Pull" tab
  2. Select Notifications / Warning / Add
  3. Select the notification type "Pull not completed"
  4. The Custom Role field must include "Owner" on the Recipient Tab. This is the person that created the Account Review.
  5. Go to the Email Body and adjust the email body
  6. Save the notification