Account Reviews

Regularly pool user accounts from systems and review them in a portal - long

  • Episodes12
  • Duration24m 53s
  • LanguagesEN
Episode 10

Typical Filters: Account Reviews

Typical filters that will help you query data


Filters allow us to query data in eramba and show it as a table. Please review the Filter course for in-depth training on how to create your own filters.

Default Filters

The Account Review module has multiple tabs and therefore you need to use filters based on the information you want to obtain and on the tab where that information is located. For example:

Tab Account Reviews:

  • List Account Reviews with "Issues" (Feedback OK or Not OK)
  • List Account Reviews with "Pending Reviews"
  • List Account Reviews with "Failed Pulls"

Tab Feedbacks:

  • List Feedback that has new comments since the last 24 hours
  • List Feedback that has "Im not sure" feedback
  • List All newly created/modified Accounts since last 24 hours

Tab Pulls:

  • List Pulls that Failed
  • List Pulls with more/less/Etc than one "New Account" or "Role"
  • Lst Pulls with more/less/Etc than one "Creeping Account"

You can access these filters through the top menu bar, under “Filters.”

Sending Filters as Regular Notifications

You can send default filters (or any filter that you create and save) over email at regular intervals. For example, you could send the filter “List of Non-Compliant People”, or "Awareness Program Summary" every week to your email in either CSV or PDF format.

To do this:

  1. Go to the tab where the filter that you want to send is saved.
  2. Click on “Notifications,” “Reports,” and then “New.”
  3. Select “Send Scheduled Filter.”
  4. Write a name for this notification.
  5. Select the saved filter that you want to send over email.
  6. Choose CSV or PDF.
  7. If you toggle “Skip Empty Results,” no email will be sent if there are no results. Otherwise, an empty CSV or PDF will run.
  8. Set how often you want the email to be sent. For example, 1 means every second day.
  9. On the Recipient tab, select under Users the recipients for this notification.
  10. Under the Email Body tab, adjust the body and subject to something that works for you.
  11. Save.

Note: Visualizations do not apply to filter report notifications.