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Asset Management

Define and review assets primarily used in Risk and Data Protection programs

  • Episodes11
  • Duration28m 15s
  • LanguagesEN
Episode 3

Introduction to the Business Unit Module

Quick introduction to the key capabilities of the module


Business Units (BU) and their processes are created for two purposes:

  • Creating Business Units and Processes that will feed into "Business Risks"
  • Creating Business Units (not necessarily process) to create Assets that will then feed into Asset and Third Party Risks and Data Flows (Data Privacy).

Business Units can have one or more Processes where continuity aspects can be described (RTO, MTO and Revenue Per Hour). These processes feed directly into Business Impact Risks.

If you won't use these modules then you have nothing to do here!

These associations allow you to make filters and reports that will explain the Risk landscape from the Business perspective as shown on the sample reports below.