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Implementation Roadmap

Learn the process you need to follow to learn how eramba is used and implementated

  • Episodes10
  • Duration28m 5s
  • LanguagesEN
Episode 7

Data Entry

Identify and Create data in eramba


In this phase, you will identify data (Policies, Risks, etc) and upload it to eramba. Is CRUCIAL that you input real data, a system with non-accurate data produces non-accurate information.

On the left panel, click on the "Use Case" you previously selected. Read the documentation and then complete tasks.

Risk Management

Required Learning:

Implementation Tasks:


  • Use CSV Imports to create Solutions, Inputs and Risks quicker


Required Learning:

Implementation Tasks:


  • Use CSV Imports to create Solutions and map them to Compliance Requirements

Incident Management

Required Learning:

Implementation Tasks:

Online Assessments

Required Learning:

Implementation Tasks:

Awareness Programs

Required Learning: 

Implementation Tasks:

  • For each one of your audiences, define and create the Awareness Program content
  • For each one of your audiences, define Awareness Program Frequency
  • Define the number of Awareness Programs needed
  • Create Awareness Programs, make sure their settings reflect the definitions made on the previous steps. Also make sure the audience groups have only the dummy account inside.
  • For each one of your Awareness programs, test them using the Demo mode. The idea is to make sure content and portal layout suit your needs.
  • You can now start each Awareness program. The day after you will receive emails to your dummy account inviting you to complete the training.
  • Complete the training following the email instructions, this is a great time to check if the invite email looks ok.
  • If there is any modification needed on the awareness program (email, settings, content, etc.), pause the awareness program and update it. When modifications are completed, reset counters
  • Once all is tested and all seems good, leave the program in pause mode

Account Reviews

Required Learning: 

Implementation Tasks:

  • Define the system for which you want to Review Account
  • Define how often and what type of Review you wish to Perform
  • Create an Account Review, make sure their settings reflect the definitions made on the previous steps. The Owner will be the GRC team group and the Reviewer the group you created on earlier stages.
  • After creating the account review, click on the item menu and "Start"
  • eramba will perform the first review (and pull if necesary) at midnight